Created for You
ModelSmart was created for home buyers and owners, real estate investors and industry professionals
“ModelSmart is used by home buyers to gain confidence in their purchase decision...”
Beginner Friendly Financial Modeling
You don’t need to be financial guru to understand real estate modeling and forecasting. ModelSmart does all of the “heavy-lifting” and calculations for you using intuitive and easy-to-navigate forms and wizards.
Latest Available Demographics Data & Market Statistics
ModelSmart consolidates information from dozens of sources to provide you with the latest available neighborhood demographics data and market statistics.
Unlimited Customization & Flexibility
Wondering if an in-law suite is a good investment? How about renovating and renting out the basement? ModelSmart can answer all these questions and more and offers unlimited customization
“Investors use ModelSmart to instantly calculate return metrics and compare properties...”
Instantly Calculate Key Investment Return Metrics
Don’t waste your time manually calculating cash flow and investment return metrics - ModelSmart instantly tracks and calculates over 20 key metrics - giving you valuable insight into the viability of an investment opportunity.
Compare Competing Properties & Scenarios
Can’t decide which real estate investment property may be a more profitable venture? ModelSmart lets you compare up to four prospective investment properties and up to eight scenarios simultaneously!
Advanced Financial Modeling without the Spreadsheets
ModelSmart automatically creates professional monthly and annual pro forma statements for every scenario. Pro forma statements are available to view anytime online and can also be exported.
“Agents and brokers use ModelSmart to help win new clients and close live deals...”
Show-off your Real Estate Investment Expertise
Are you an agent / broker and want to gain an edge over your competition? Use ModelSmart to answer tough real estate investment questions and win new clients by showing-off your knowledge and expertise!
Professional Brochures and Investment Reports with your Branding
Stop spending countless hours drafting and designing real estate brochures and marketing materials. ModelSmart instantly generates high-quality brochures, investment teasers and reports with your unique branding!
Actionable Investment Advice and Leading Analytical Insight
Real estate agents and brokers can use ModelSmart to provide their clients with actionable investment advice and leading analytical insight regarding the potential profitability of a property given any set of future assumptions.